Sullivan was famous for encouraging others to try new things, and he rarely took "no" for an answer. Once you were on an adventure with him, he accepted no half-measures. He always gave 1o0%, and he pushed others to expect the same of themselves. His YouTube episodes always started with "Hey There, Weekenders!" In his honor, we are inviting you to get out there and go on your own adventure! Take a photo holding this card and share your adventure with a note to the Van Way family one of three ways:
• Post on Sullivan's Facebook page with the hashtag #wakeupweekenders
• Email to wakeupweekenders@gmail.com
• Print and snail-mail to: The Van Ways, 1608 Gendarme, Carencro, LA 70520

For the Flying Scholarship Click Button Below!
His Social Media
June 28, 1990 June 18, 2022
Sullivan Ross Van Way passed away on Saturday, June 18, 2022, in Porterville, California. He passed away doing the thing he was most passionate about - flying
Sullivan was an accomplished pilot, videographer, runner, surfer, mountain biker, sidecar racer, inventor, explorer and so much more. He was also a beloved son, brother, uncle, grandson, and friend.
Sullivan lived his life to the fullest. Born on June 28, 1990, in Lafayette, Louisiana. He graduated from LSU with a degree in Construction Management in 2016. He worked for JP Oil Company in Bakersfield, California with dedication and enthusiasm. Outside of work, his passion was living life to the extreme. Every weekend, he could be found flying or driving to a new or familiar destination to run a race, hike a mountain, or explore something just because he had never seen or done it before. When he was not outside, he was inside studying for new pilot ratings, planning new adventures, tinkering with his countless gadgets, and documenting it all, because he wanted to take his family and friends along for the ride. His enthusiasm for life was infectious. He was famous for encouraging others to try new things, and he rarely took no for an answer. Once you were in an adventure with him, he accepted no half-measures. He always gave 100%, and he pushed others to expect the same of themselves. Sullivan's favorite accomplices on his adventures were with his family. Everyone got into the act. His mother took on the role of co-driver for rally racing and together became legends in the sport. He and his father took up sidecar racing and in one year won the US National Championship. Having his parents as perpetual teammates was his source of strength and courage. In the same way, he had a gift for making each of his brothers feel unquestionably cherished. Sullivan had a unique and personal relationship with each of his brothers - with everyone having their own unforgettable adventures with him.
At JP Oil, Sullivan was a tireless worker. He moved to California to set up a gas plant, and when no one else was up for the challenge, he took on the farming side of the business. It was an achievement of which he was especially proud. The almond and pistachio orchards he cultivated so carefully produced harvests which he shared abundantly with family and friends. Sullivan made no distinction between his friends and the people he worked with every day. He loved and respected his work family as much as his own family. His enthusiasm for life was evident in everything he did, work or play. If the sun was up, Sullivan was up. By the time everyone else was awake, he had already accomplished a full day's work. Sullivan's fun side was also tempered with kindness. Guided by his faith, he was never too busy to help anyone in need - friend, or stranger. It was important to him for everyone to feel special and included. He was steady, good natured, and a trusted advisor. The greatest gift he left was the impact he had on the people around him. He changed so many lives - always for the better - and we are infinitely grateful for his love.
Sullivan is survived by his parents, Chris and Angie Van Way, his brothers Dillon, Logan, Braeden, Quintin, and Landon; his nieces Kira and Charlotte Van Way, his nephew Zimri Van Way, his grandmother Shirley Poirier Van Way and many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends who will miss him deeply.
He was preceded in death by his sister Reagan Marie, his grandparents James Paul Van Way, and Iris and Harold Castille.
The family suggests if you want to honor Sullivan's life, in lieu of flowers or donations, go on an adventure and spend time with your loved ones.
We are filled with gratitude for his life and the deepest sorrow at his passing. To quote another: It was a wonderful life - full and complete with the great loves and endeavors that make it worth living. We are sad he has left us, but we know he leaves living the life he intended. If you want to experience Sullivan's endeavors, his YouTube channel remains a tribute to his life and can be found here: youtube.com/c/casteater
Sullivan's Family & Friends have started a flying Scholarship in his honor below you will find how to apply. If you'd like to donate contact us.
Steps to apply for a Weekender Discovery Flight Scholarship.
Be over 14yrs old.
Post a Video on Instagram/Facebook with @kernaviation tagged.
also on the post write #wakeupweekenders
Just post a small 15sec-30sec video explaining why you want to fly.
or write a 2-paragraph letter of why you would like to fly.
That's it!